Selbi Studio s.r.l. code of ethics
Selbi Studio s.r.l. is a clothing company based in Veneto, Italy, whose commitment is to create high-quality garments while respecting ethics. The ethical code defines the values that guide its work, such as: respecting people, professional integrity, and sustainability.
The story
Selbi Studio s.r.l. was founded in 2024 by Isabella and Laura Stella Bisognin, who bravely took over the family business – Selbi – originally established in the 1970s by Selmo Natalina, the founder of the trademark Rossanna Diva. As a result of a forty-year experience inside the family company, Selbi Studio s.r.l. could be considered an hidden gem of the made in Italy. Both the headquarters and the production facility are located in Montebello Vicentino, since the company likes to respect its roots. This company has been built on the standard of meticulous attention to the products, to the production, and to the customers and their needs.
The great wealth of knowledge and experience – inalienable heritage, which Selbi Studio s.r.l. know-how is based mostly on – is preserved in the historical file, that also contains the patterns made in the past years by Selbi’s employees, who have worked – and still work – with passion in a solid reality such as Selbi Studio s.r.l., which was born with strong ethical/social foundations in order to keep growing as a stable business and – especially – as a community.
The Code
With this intention, Selbi Studio s.r.l. enforces the following code of ethics, which binds either internal (between the staff itself) or external (between the company and its consumers) relations.
The company’s code of conduct is based on the following documents:
● the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by the United Nations;
● the Conventions, Protocols and Recommendations of of the International Labour Organization (ILO);
● the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights;
● the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises;
● the Children’s rights and Business Principles by the United Nations;
● the gender dimensions of the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights;
● the OECD’s directing documents.
The ethical code reported below is meant to be addressed to the following:
➔ CEOs and all those who perform administrative or representative functions for Selbi Studio s.r.l.;

➔ every staff member;
➔ anybody who has a connection/relationship – either directly or indirectly, permanent or temporary – with Selbi Studio s.r.l.
Each addressee is required to know the code of ethics, to follow his provisions, to actively contribute to his enforcement, and to report possible deficiencies.
Furthermore, every single action, operation and negotiation done, and – generally – each employee, associate, or customer’s behavior has to be meant to be honest, transparent, legal, and rightful.
Particularly, company’s representatives have the responsibility to set a positive example by following the values contained in the code of ethics, building trust and cohesion. Yet, they must set enterprise’s strategies and goals, invest money and realize innovative projects by drawing inspiration from ethical values. Correspondingly, the employees’ actions and behaviors must respect the principles the code provides.
1. Respect for individuals
Selbi Studio s.r.l. commits to grant a respectful, equal, and safe work environment for each employee and associate.
● Equality and diversity; each individual’s dignity is recognized and respected by promoting an inclusive environment without discrimination.
● Decent employment; each colleague is treated with respect and dignity by enjoying full rights, such as: fair wages, safety on the job site, and reasonable working hours.
● Training and professional growth; training opportunities to enhance staff skills are offered continuously.
2. Personal ethics and integrity
Each individual is required to respect the company’s principles and values of honesty, transparency, and integrity, in order to avoid conflict of interest.
● Transparency; Selbi Studio s.r.l. commits to provide transparency in its commercial operations, and secure the quality of its products.
● Corruption and illicit practices; the company refuses every kind of corruption, fraud, or illicit practice, and is committed to respect laws.
3. Environmental responsibility
Selbi Studio s.r.l. is aware of the carbon footprint its activities produce, and tries to reduce – to the minimum – its environmental impact.
● Sustainability; the enterprise – being aware of its responsibility towards the environment – operates eco-friendly materials and technologies.

● Recycle and reuse; Selbi Studio s.r.l. supports recycled material, and promotes reuse – when it’s possible – in order to reduce its carbon footprint.
4. Honesty, transparency, and responsibilities towards customers
Selbi Studio s.r.l. only presents high-quality garments, realized with selected materials and traditional techniques. Each product is the result of a careful design and manufacturing process, by respecting current legislation.
● Product quality; the company guarantees every garment has been subjected to rigorous quality control, in order to ensure every article complies with the highest standards.
● Clear and transparent communication; Selbi Studio s.r.l. provides its clients specific information about materials and their provenance, and the production process they have been through.
5. Social responsibility and community engagement
Selbi Studio s.r.l. strives to positively improve the local community.
● Supporting the local communities; the enterprise cooperates with local suppliers and artisans, supporting the economy here in Veneto and emphasizing its cultural treasure.
● Social work; Selbi Studio s.r.l. assists social initiatives which can benefit people in the territory.
6. Privacy and personal data
Selbi Studio s.r.l. follows the data protection law, and strives to ensure employees, partners, and customers’ personal information to be treated safely and confidentially.
● Data privacy; personal data are collected and treated only for specific and justified purposes.
7. Enforcement of the code of ethics
Each individual must follow this code of ethics. The company holds the faculty to punish those who do not comply with the above.
● Reports and complaints; employees and collaborators – without fear of retaliation – must report possible breaches through proper channels.

Selbi Studio s.r.l. commits to follow the values of this code of ethics to build a responsible, sustainable, and successful enterprise, which grows daily while respecting people and the environment.